Required: 2023 Utah Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program

Author: Ariana Dufour
Date: December 30, 2022

The Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation has published a new Utah OHV Education Course in accordance with House Bill 180 that is required to be completed by all OHV operators in Utah.  The course is available beginning January 1, 2023 and enforcement is scheduled to begin February 1, 2023.

Directly from the Utah DNR website:

Operators under the age of 18 shall possess a youth OHV education certificate in order to operate an OHV on public land, road or trail.  Operators 18 years of age or older may operate an OHV if they possess an approved adult OHV education certificate.  The once-in-a-lifetime course is expected to take less than 30 minutes to complete.

The requirement applies to class I, II, and III OHVs—meaning quads, side-by-sides, and buggies—and to dirt bikes.  It will not be required for 4x4s that are registered as normal highway-legal road vehicles.

Links to the course as well as more information on House Bill 180 can be found on the Utah DNR website.


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